
Modules Three & Four Student Reference Manual

The Open Water Boat Control Student Training Manual is the guide for the second segment of the National Safe Boating Council’s boat operator training program. The operator is out in the open water under calm conditions. An understanding of equipment, terminology, and basic operator preparedness is discussed and reviewed. The concepts of safe operation are applied with the theoretical knowledge of boat control along with the U.S. Inland Navigation Rules governing how one responds to other boats on the open water.

*Only active NSBC Instructors may purchase


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The Open Water Boat Control Student Training Manual is the guide for the second segment of the National Safe Boating Council’s boat operator training program. The operator is out in the open water under calm conditions. An understanding of equipment, terminology, and basic operator preparedness is discussed and reviewed. The concepts of safe operation are applied with the theoretical knowledge of boat control along with the U.S. Inland Navigation Rules governing how one responds to other boats on the open water.

*Only active NSBC Instructors may purchase